
Footprints in the sand

I had the dream of all dreams!
imageMy Lord Jesus invited me to take a walk with him.
He was my guide, and he showed me a path along a beautiful ocean shore.
As we walked, Visions of my life past shone brightly in the darkened sky.
At the end of our walk I turned around to see from where we had come.
I saw two sets of footprints in the soft warm sand.
At times, the two sets of footprints had become just one.
I realised it coincided with times in my life when I was feeling down and in despair.
It bothered me to see such. So I questioned the Lord.
image“Lord, you said you would be my guide, and if I followed your path you would never leave me.
Yet I see at times in my life when I was down, when I was in despair,
The time when I prayed and needed you most, you had abandoned me!”
Jesus replied,
“My child. I have loved you since the beginning of time, I would never leave you.
The times when you see just one set of foot prints, the time when you were in your deepest darkest hour.
That; is when I carried you.”

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